Signature Series

Regular price$15.95

Delivered fresh, not frozen

Handmade by chefs

Vegan Australia Certified

Delivered via refrigerated transport

Free delivery on orders over $150

Herbiā€™s Sunday roast is a true home style classic. The feature of this dish is the handmade rolled roast that is high in plant based protein. Served with roast veggies, green peas, vegan gravy and mini Yorkshire puddings.


338Ā Calories 28Ā Protein 44Ā Carbs 6Ā Fats

1 Serving Per Serving 400g Per 100g
Energy kj 1,414 354
- Calories 338 85
Protein (g) 28 7
Fat, Total (g) 6 2
- Saturated 1 0
Carbohydrate (g) 44 11
- Dietary Fiber (g) 8 2
- Sugar (g) 9 2
Sodium (mg) 453 113


Potato, Pumpkin, Carrots, Peas, Wheat Protein, Artichoke Hearts, Almond Milk, Cannellini Beans, Self-Raising Flour, Onion, Soy Sauce, Nuttelex, Nutritional Yeast, Garlic, Cornflour, Baking Powder, Black Pepper, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme


Food Allergy Notice:Ā Our meals are prepared in a fully vegan kitchen. Present in our kitchen, however, are peanuts, sesame, soy, nuts, tree nuts, gluten, lupin and sulphites. Though best practices are used in preparing the meal, inadvertent cross-contamination may occur. While we take every precaution to minimise cross-contamination, we cannot guarantee the complete absence of these allergens.

Our nutritional informationĀ includes all sauces, dressings, condiments, and garnishes included with a dish. We take every precaution to ensure our nutritional information is accurate at the time of publication. However, the information contained above could change without prior notice.


Storage: Please keep refrigerated, store at 2Ā°C to 4 Ā°C. We recommend storing your meal in the coldest part of your fridge toward the back. Once opened please consume. If you don't think you will eat before the used by date, you should freeze your meal as soon as possible. Once frozen, consume within 8 weeks. Cook from frozen or defrost in refrigerator and use within 24 hours. Do not refreeze.

Heating from fresh:Pierce plastic film. Heat in microwave for 2 minutes on high. Let meal stand for 1 minute, remove film. Ensure meal is heated through, stir well and enjoy.

Heating from frozen:Pierce plastic film. Heat in microwave for 3-4 minutes on high. Remove film, stir contents for even heat distribution. Cover loosely and reheat longer if required.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are the meals delivered fresh or frozen?

    We deliver your meals fresh, so you have the choice to pop them in the fridge or freezer.

    How many days shelf life will meals have from the time I receive them?

    Meals will arrive with at least five days shelf life, but depending on where you live in proximity to our kitchen, may have up to ten days shelf life.

    Do I have to subscribe?

    No, we don't believe in locking you into a subscription you don't want. You can choose to subscribe, or place a one time order.

    When will my meals be delivered?

    At checkout you can select your preferred delivery day for your postcode in the date selector. Unfortunately we cannot control the time your meals will be delivered on that day, however you will receive a tracking text the day before with your live tracking information.

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